3年間で医療保険を3万元(約48万円)も使っていた / sick leave today

I took a sick leave today to prevent infection at the office.



*1:sick leaveと言って、事前申請無しで休んでもよい制度がある。うちでは有給とは別に年5日。


夫婦揃って病院送り / Both my wife and I went to hospital

俺はneck pain 厳重 これはcan’t stand 激痛
俺的老婆 感冒老重 昨天生病 一天世界

I have had a heavy neck pain from this Monday and finally went to hospital today.

On the other hand, my wife has had a heavy cold from yesterday and finally went to hospital this morning.

The doctor prescribed me three kinds of painkillers; Diclofenac Diethylamine emulgel (Voltaren / 扶他林); Indometacin tablets (吲哚美辛); Eperisone Hydroschloride tablets (Myonal/ 妙纳)
My bones have no problem. It’s just a fatigue of shoulder mussels. Only rest is needed, said the doctor.




処方してもらった薬は全て痛み止め。インドメタシン(吲哚美辛)の錠剤、ミオナール( 妙纳)の錠剤、そしてボルタレン(扶他林)の塗り薬。


イブプロフェン中毒一歩手前みたいになってる / Almost addicted to ibuprofen

Since I’m suffering from a headache recently, I’m able to feel sympathy for women! How on earth do you work under this condition, ladies...?


American English is the secret of their power

The US citizon speak very logically. That is the reason why USA is the strongest country in the world.

For example,

  • The political regime of Saudiarabia is correct.
  • The political regime of Vietnum was wrong.


  • Israel have no WMD.
  • Iraq had many WMD.

You see?