Moving overseas & trip abroad combo was going to kill me / 海外旅行と海外引越のコンボで死ぬかと思った 2 HIT

 ドライヤー等の消費電力の大きい電化製品は、10 kgぐらいある超大型変圧器が無いと使えないらしい。フライパンのように単純だが重い調理器具は、輸送するより現地調達した方が費用および環境負荷のいずれも低く済ませられるだろう。こうして、上海に送らない家財がどんどん増えた。
 But for a great voltage converter ~10 kg, I can't use the home electronics e.g. a hair dryer which requires a big amount of power. If I local-purchase simple but heavy cooking utensils like pans, the cost and environmental load will be lower than shipping them. Therefore, the number of goods not carried to Shanghai were growing.
 In a spirit of Mottainai, I attempted to give away them via twitter and so on. Surprisingly, I get decent reactions. If another occasion arises, I am going to try ネスレゆずりば.

 There're 9 days before moving out and departure! T

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