Moving overseas & trip abroad combo was going to kill me / 海外旅行と海外引越のコンボで死ぬかと思った 7 HIT

 It has been one week no working and today is the last working day before my vacation. One of piled e-mails surprised me. I will get my working visa after June.
 Kuronekoyamato won't ship without certifying my working visa. Therefore, I'll need items for 2 months! Checked ware and things which are required in early summer in Shanghai and tackle packing again.
 Panic; separating my things to be discarded, given away, sold, sent to home, brought to Ireland, needed in Shanghai before getting my shipments and things to be shipped.

 Too confused, I found myself escaping from reality or surfing websites carried a April fools' joke page.

 I have 48 hours! T

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