@Ta_Howait: @jeremyabbottpcf cont.) he would gain high score, then he is formidable player."
2010-10-21 02:04:35 via web to @jeremyabbottpcf
@Ta_Howait: @jeremyabbottpcf cont.) skating skill or spin. However I think he has a low success rate for a jump, if successful,
2010-10-21 02:04:06 via web to @jeremyabbottpcf
@Ta_Howait: @jeremyabbottpcf URL Eng: T. Honda said, " Speaking of foreigner skaters, J. Abott, US. He has a high standing about his
2010-10-21 02:02:20 via web to @jeremyabbottpcf
@Ta_Howait: @jeremyabbottpcf 和訳:水曜日を終えて、紫色のは着倒した!氷の道で…丸一日かけて!皆さんも同じく帰路についてることと思います!(^_^)
2010-10-21 01:37:44 via web to @jeremyabbottpcf
@Ta_Howait: @jeremyabbottpcf 和訳:ぅわぉ!NHKは大々的にやるつもりです!URL 現在君臨してる世界王者の3人、Jr. 王者の3人、そしてUS王者の全4人!
2010-10-21 01:25:29 via web to @jeremyabbottpcf
@Ta_Howait: @jeremyabbottpcf 和訳:日本では水曜日です。紫色着てます。お揃いの人いますかー?
2010-10-21 01:14:39 via web to @jeremyabbottpcf