
I'll go to Europe again! / 再びヨーロッパへ!

As I'll go on a business trip to Europe for about 20 days, I wanna make the plan for weekends during that! However, I have been having a full schedule for a couple of weeks. Or, my schedule is too tight to set a schedule!来月20日間ほどヨー…


@Ta_Howait: Betet für Peking / Pray for Beijing / ベイジンに祈る URL2016-06-05 15:49:19 via Hatena

Betet für Peking / Pray for Beijing / ベイジンに祈る

It happened in the Middle Kingdom, however, only the peoples who living there don't know it. いくら外国のサーパーに外国語で書き込んでいるとは言え、これくらいにしとかんとビザの取り消しとかを喰らいかねん。大陸のメディア、SNSのけんえつ(漢字…

Transfer to Shanghai: Day 1129 / 上海転勤 1129日目