その昔は飛行機が無事着陸すると、誰ともなく客室内から拍手が起こっていたのを思い出した。何事も当たり前と思ってはいけない。— くりぴょん(Acrimonious Version)。 (@riz440languid) January 2, 2024 この習慣は私も聞いたことがあったので、自分の乗って…
朝 / morning / 早上 在日本所有的中国签证申请中心称从今天他们停止了接受申请。其他国家,比如说德国法国好像还接受。 All Chinese VISA application centers in Japan stopped accepting new application from today. In other countries, Germany and Fr…
中国はもう、誰が新型コロナウイルスに感染していないか、を聞いた方が早い状況。 我理解了在大陆的情况。现在我最好問問谁还“没”阳了。 I see, maybe I'd better ask who has NOT tested positive for COVID-19 now.
None of PRC state-affiliated media criticizes the current Taliban regime. I think PRC are going to support Taliban and turn them into their advantage, as same as USA did 40 years ago. I hope they won't fall into the same rut 20 years later…
When I am gazing our child, I renew my determination to continue the endeavor to keep our country from starting a war.我が子を見ていてより強く思う。我が国が戦争を起こさないように努力を続けねば。
光栄なことに広島の平和記念式典に今朝出席し、犠牲になられた方々すべてに敬意を表しました。I was honored to attend the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony earlier today to pay my respects to all those who lost their lives. pic.twitter.com/eoUXJ…
Ich habe meine Elternzeit begonnen. 我开始休育儿假。 I started taking a childcare leave. 育児休業始めました。
There are large number of Jigglypuffs and Crefairies on Pokémon Go. Is this because of the super full blood Moon and its eclipse? Anyway it couldn't be seen here due to clouds. ポケモンGoでプリンとピッピが大量発生している。これはスーパーム…
過去10年間のインフルエンザの報告数。2019年の冬の中盤から激減している。 The graph above shows the Influenza cases in Japan for the last 10 years (fiscal year 2011-2020, weekly reported cases). Means, after everyone began to wear a mask, was…
I was watching the "Moments" of my WeChat*1 and understood. Since Auto Shanghai is held, so much news about car is coming! Ah, I also have one. My wife is giving birth to our daughter in August.Wir bekommen eine Tochter im August.我们女儿…
My wife and I came (back) to Japan just a year ago. Our life in Tokyo is going well so far. Although the prices are high in this metropolis, my wife also found a job, so we manage to earn our bread and butter (rice and soysource?). The pro…
(日本語版は下に) We got the Abenomask which like the memento of the silly strategy; two gauze masks for my wife and me. Our prime minister Abe and his cabinet appropriated 40 billion JPY (~ 375 mio USD) for this. Needless to say the budg…
Since I lost the reason to use English, von nun an beginne Ich Deutsch zu verwenden.
Frohes neues Jahr! Happy New Year! 謹賀新年
Akasaka Prince Classic HouseI joined the most gorgeous Toastmasters club meeting as far as I know! Every participant pays 4000 JPY *1 at every meeting!It's including the fee for lunch. Of course it's not just sandwiches but a full-course m…
香港の反政府側の人々から遂に臨時政府宣言が出た。香港語版*1、英語版、そして日本語暫定翻訳版がある。 香港臨時政府宣言(香港語) HONG KONG PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT MANIFESTO (英語) 香港臨時政府宣言(日本語暫定訳) かなり良くできた文章であり、香…
The prices in Tokyo are so high as I expected. In the city center, every lunch costs 7-800 JPY at least. I need to negotiate with my wife to get the budget for lunch in addition to pocket money.
We arrived at Tokyo. 東京は夜の7時 [ 矢野顕子 ]ジャンル: CD・DVD・楽器 > CD > ジャパニーズポップス > ロック・ポップス > その他ショップ: 楽天ブックス価格: 2,379円 東京は夜の7時 リオデジャネイロは朝の7時アンカレッジは昨夜の12時 カイロは昼の1…
上海七年Seven years in Shanghaiセブン・イヤーズ・イン・シャンハイー剧终ーーFinーー終ー
opening of my last speech / スピーチの冒頭I made my last speech at Toastmasters Club in Shanghai this evening. The following is the script of that revised for reading. 先ほど、上海でのトーストマスターズクラブで、最後のスピーチをした。以下…
我等着上班的车,另外一辆车来了。司机说这辆车去东方。虽然我等着班车也行,我也要看一看别的地方。所以我会上车。马上回来。When I was waiting for my commuter bus, another bus arrived. The driver said it’s going to East. Although I’m OK to be wa…
The 2300th day in Shanghai! 在上海打工第2300天!
I’ve almost finished packing and shipping out. It was seriously tough, as serious as the HK issue. During my last 3 working days, I’ll do my best so that I won’t regret it later. Then let’s party on the weekend!香港で死人が出るのが先か私が…
https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190815-00000031-jij-n_ame これは現時点で最善の落とし所かもしれない。アメリカの大統領がそこまで丁寧に言うなら、ということで北京側の面子を立てつつ条例案を撤回して、デモ隊側も撤収する口実ともなる。 むしろ…
What is happening in Hongkong is the clash of aiguoxin (爱国心) and patriotism. Occasionally aiguoxin is translated to patriotism, but in reality, aiguoxin consists of patriotism and loyalty. In the mainland China, people are obliged to ha…
www.city.nagasaki.lg.jp Die Atombomben wurden von Menschenhand gebaut und sie wurden über den Köpfen anderer Menschen gezündet. Das bedeutet, dass menschlicher Wille Sie auch wieder verbannen kann, und dieser Wille muss seinen Ausgangsp…
My handover is going well. Where my farewell party is held is the biggest issue now! August 24 is our target date. Any recommendations?物凄い勢いで引き継ぎをしている。工数にして実に2.5人分。ただひたすら仕事を引き受けてきただけなのに、すご…
合格した!いざ東京へ!ein Schoener Nachthimmel / a beutiful night sky / 美しい夜空
刚才看完了上上次回老家之后每次坐飞机或者火车都继续看的村上春树的《海边的卡夫卡》。I’ve finished reading Haruki Murakami’s “Kavka on the shore” which I read every time I get on a plane or a train. I was reading it since the second last time…