Moving overseas & trip abroad combo was going to kill me / 海外旅行と海外引越のコンボで死ぬかと思った 1 HIT

 教訓。 / The lesson:

  • 完了時刻までに1割の余裕が無い計画はその時点で破綻していると思え! / The plan has been collapsed when time to space was less than 10%!

 先ず引越し会社で悩んだが、手順と値段との明瞭さで決めた。専用段ボール箱9個、総計1 m3に荷物を詰め込めば9万円で済むクロネコヤマトの海外引越し単身プランに申し込んだ。3社に見積もりを取ると1.5 m3分で相場は20万円くらいだったので、その半値以下である。専用箱に入らないコタツや棚は、中国で新品で揃えても差額の11万円分もかからんだろう。
 My English school in Ireland and my flight on 5 Apr. have already been booked. I told my real estate agency et al. that I will move out on 4 Apr. This way cutting off my escape route, and I proceed with the preparations of my removal.
 Firstly I had a trouble to select a moving company, then I decided by comparing the clarity of procedure and price. I ordered the Kaigai Hikkoshi Tanshin plan for KuRoNeKo Yamato which costs JPY 90,000 (~USD 948) by packing all my items into 9 cardboard boxes, total 1 m3. Because the market price was around JPY 200,000 for 1.5 m3 judging from the quotations from 3 companies, the price was less than half. Although some of my large items like my kotatsu table or my cabinet are not able to fit the box, I can buy new ones in China with in the difference of JPY 110,000.

 There're 10 days before moving out and departure! T

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